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Coming Out Of Covid-19 Stronger Than Ever!

Coming Out Of Covid-19 Stronger Than Ever!

Warning, it is a long story but it's a genuine one and honest...

We are almost at the end of a strange Covid era. How did you go during such strange times? Did the isolation ruin your plans? 

We would absolutely love to hear your story and even share it with our loyal followers, if you don't mind. This is how it went for us...

March has been a great month full of birthday and wedding orders. We also had a number of pre-ordered candy from those who plan well in advance. The working atmosphere was on a high and we were excited about our projects and get creative for you!

I still remember the date, 23rd of March. It's my sister's birthday and this is the day when cafes, restaurant and even the beach got closed for public. That very morning I took my sister for her birthday breakfast as at noon everything had to officially close. It felt strange and somehow foreign...

It is then, Brand Candy had to stop operating too. Never in a million years I was expecting this to be a reality. We are in a business of delivering delicious personalised rock candy for events, weddings and celebrations, of course all of it was indefinitely forbidden now. Its hard to describe the feeling of uncertainty for the future as well as inability to plan.

Only days later my son's gymnastics club has emailed the parents asking to donate and bring our cars for a wash so that they can support their talented overseas trainers who weren't covered by Jobkeeper or Jobseeker support. That email included their photo and it was hard to forget. Embarrassed but with totally good intentions at heart, I asked my husband to bring our car for a wash the following weekend.

Speaking to the gymnastics club owner, I also learned that there was a couple who had no home to return to in a few weeks time as their house was sold. They had no hope for another rental place during Covid. It is then, me and my husband have decided to offer them our home. It was an easy decision and we wouldn't have done it otherwise.

My heart goes out to those that have been impacted by Covid-19. I hope we've learned something from this experience and it will never happen again. Today marks a new end-of-Covid era, when schools are going back to normal next Monday and we can finally sit down at our favourite place for a meal. I'm personally grateful for simple things like open playgrounds, swim in the ocean and seeing my family and dear friends.

How did you go? Did you have to postpone your celebration or wedding? Hope you didn't lose your job. Share with us, sometimes you need to get it off your chest.

Now that we are slowly getting back to our usual life, as a business, we are anticipating orders to slowly pick up. If you are looking to plan your event, I would personally like to reassure you that we hold the strictest distancing regulations and you are safe with us. To allow you more time (should you have to reschedule), we are now making your order as close to the required date as possible. This way your candy will look and taste great for up to 12 months and you don't need to worry about it.

Again, we look forward to your Covid stories and pictures. Please remember we are all in it together and we are here for you!

Let's make the World a sweeter place,