Keeping Australian's Safe during COVID19 is our absolute priority.
Due to the distancing restrictions and limitations to large events and gatherings, Brand Candy has seen quieter periods during April and May.
However, with most of our states taking a good control over this pandemic, we saw almost “business as usual” in June and July. Even though NSW and Victoria's situation has worsened, we feel like the rest of the country is happily planning their major life events and are being creative with marketing of their businesses. This is fantastic!
We thought it was important to reassure you, our customers that we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure we are producing a beautiful rock candy as well as keeping you COVID SAFE ✔️. We are officially registered as a COVID Safe business as well as regularly review the changes on the COVID-19 rules and regulations.
Brand Candy’s operations will continue to run as normal. Be confident that you are able to order your personalised rock candy & rely on our safe service.
If you have any questions about our safety measures, please email us to or call us on 0415 711911.